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How to prevent heat treatment deformation in the third production line of spiral duct blower

Date of release:2020-04-29 Author:Yancheng Shibo Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd Click:

How to prevent heat treatment deformation in the third production line of spiral duct blower


Air duct production line is prone to heat treatment deformation during operation, so we need to do some preparatory work before use to prevent heat treatment deformation. The fifth line of air duct production line will introduce these preparations to you. 1. Reasonable material selection. For complex air duct production line 3, micro deformation die steel with good material (e.g. air quenching steel) should be selected. For air duct production line 3 with serious carbide segregation, reasonable forging and quenching and tempering heat treatment should be carried out. For large and non forging die steel, solid solution double refinement heat treatment should be carried out.

2. The structural design of the third line of air duct production should be reasonable, the thickness should not be too different, and the shape should be symmetrical. For the large deformation mold, the deformation law should be mastered and the machining allowance should be reserved. The combined structure can be used for large-scale, precision and complex mold.

3. On the premise of ensuring the hardness of the die, pre cooling, step cooling and quenching or warm quenching should be adopted as far as possible.

4. For the third production line of air duct, vacuum heating quenching and cryogenic treatment after quenching should be adopted as far as possible if conditions permit.

5. The complex die should be pre heat treated to eliminate the residual stress in the machining process.

6. For some third production line of air duct, pre heat treatment, aging heat treatment and quenching, tempering and nitriding heat treatment can be used to control the die accuracy.

7. When repairing sand hole, air hole, abrasion and other defects in the third line of air duct production, the cold welding machine and other repair equipment with small heat influence are selected to avoid deformation in the repair process.

The air duct production line is a complete production system. Only when all parts are stable can the whole process of air duct be completed.

The address of this article:http://tjsanxin.com/en/news/584.html

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